Nestled deep in the heart of the African savannah, the captivating story unfolds with Kion leading a brave and formidable group known as the 'Lion Guard'. As they journey through the untamed wilderness, each member of the diverse team showcases their special talents in order to tackle challenges and uphold harmony within the Circle of Life. The young animals, united by their shared mission, embark on a thrilling adventure that not only showcases their individual strengths but also introduces audiences to the incredible array of wildlife that call the expansive African landscape home.
Thông tin
- Trạng Thái: Full
- Tổng số tập: 1
- Thể loại: Gia Đình, Hoạt Hình
- Quốc gia: Âu Mỹ
- Năm phát hành: 2015
- Đạo diễn: Howy Parkins
- Thời lượng: 44 Phút
- Lượt xem: 75
The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar
The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar (2015)
1 đánh giá)
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