The story of John Reed, the charismatic American journalist, is a tumultuous tale of revolution and love. His dedication to the socialist cause led him to Russia, where he fervently worked to ignite a flame of change among the working class. Alongside his fierce commitment to spreading socialist principles, Reed navigated the complexities of his relationship with Louise Bryant, a fellow writer whose passion rivaled his own. Their love was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, mirroring the turbulent times in which they lived. Reed's revolutionary spirit and unwavering beliefs made him a legend in his own time, leaving an indelible mark on history.
Thông tin
- Trạng Thái: Full
- Tổng số tập: 1
- Thể loại: Chính Kịch
- Quốc gia: Âu Mỹ
- Năm phát hành: 1981
- Đạo diễn: Warren Beatty
- Thời lượng: 195 Phút
- Lượt xem: 92
Reds (1981)
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