The legendary filmmaker Miyazaki Hayao intricately weaves a narrative spanning through decades, drawing inspiration from the life of Horikoshi Jirô - the mastermind behind the iconic Zero fighter plane in World War II. As the story unfolds, viewers are enraptured by the trials and triumphs of this visionary aviation engineer, experiencing the highs and lows of his journey in a turbulent era of history, where dreams took flight amidst the chaos of war. Miyazaki's magnum opus not only pays homage to the brilliance of Horikoshi Jirô, but also serves as a poignant reminder of the power of passion, perseverance, and the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.
Thông tin
- Trạng Thái: Full
- Tổng số tập: 1
- Thể loại: Chính Kịch, Hoạt Hình
- Quốc gia: Nhật Bản
- Năm phát hành: 2013
- Đạo diễn:
- Thời lượng: 2g 6ph
- Lượt xem: 103
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