Fabulous Beasts
Thông tin
  • Trạng Thái: Hoàn Tất (24/24)
  • Tổng số tập: 24 tập
  • Thể loại: Hài Hước, Hoạt Hình
  • Quốc gia: Trung Quốc
  • Năm phát hành: 2023
  • Đạo diễn:
  • Thời lượng: 8 phút/tập
  • Lượt xem: 152

Fabulous Beasts

有兽焉 (2023)
(8.0 sao / 1 đánh giá)

Giới thiệu

The magnificent creatures known as Fabulous Beasts roamed the enchanted forests, their colorful fur and sparkling scales catching the light as they moved gracefully through the trees. From the majestic winged unicorns to the playful dragon fawns, each beast was a marvel to behold, their beauty and power captivating all who gazed upon them. Legends spoke of their mystical abilities and the ancient bond they shared with the natural world, a bond that made them not just creatures of wonder, but guardians of the very essence of life itself. As they roamed the land, their presence brought an air of magic and mystery, reminding all who beheld them of the untamed beauty that still existed in the world.

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